Use this LIVE DEMO to view the encryption plugin operation. Please note that the theme/style of the demo and data displayed simply conforms to the basic theme applied to our demo site.

Options for encryption are selectable per field, and view access is selectable per user/role and per field in confirmations/notifications with custom merge tags.

A Full list of features is available HERE.

Encrypted fields will be encrypted and visible only to the user login with view permissions.
Hide Field Value fields will be hidden using "hide field value" option and visible only to the user login with view permissions.
Encrypted field with masking will be encrypted and visible only to the user login with view permissions. However, the custom masking option will display a custom amount of characters at the beginning and/or end of the text to all users.
Non encrypted fields will NOT be encrypted and will be visible all users.
Checkbox Encrypted
Radio Encrypted
Name Encrypted
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Address Encrypted
List Encrypted